Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Chinatown Shopping

When Chelsie was living in NYC, I visited her one weekend and we toured the city. All she wanted to do was go shopping. We decided to go to Chinatown cause everything was cheap. So we were walking down the sidewalk, and she kept finding these she liked, and I kept telling her everything there was crap, and would break as soon as she got home. So at one shop, she found this $40 purse she really wanted. I tried to talk her out of it, but she jewed the poor chinese woman down and down and down, until she finally got it for like $10. She was so proud of the good deal she got. That night, when we got home, she was transferring all her stuff from her old bag into the new one, and suddenly the bottom of the new bag ripped out and everything fell onto the floor. We looked at each other and started laughing. She kept trying to get me to go back there so she could chew the shop keeper out.


1 comment:

Taneil said...

She told me about that. She loved spending time with you Cory!
