Thursday, June 28, 2007

Last Moments

On the 26th of April. I went over to visit Chelsie at the hospital. Mom went home to take a nap and shower. I had a lot of packing to do but I didn't care, I just wanted to be with her. (I know it was a blessing that the Lord gave me.) I spent 5 hours at the hospital while Taneil watched my kids. It will be something I will never forget. She was so sirine that day. Her breathing was getting bad so we didn't talk a lot I mostly spent the day getting her water and changing her bucket so she could spit out her saliva. She couldn't even swallow it. We talked about the overdose. How she was so blessed to be here. She was so thankful and humble. She said, "Mom and Dad saved my life. The Lord wants me here for a reason, he has a plan for me.(with tears in her eyes)" You know how fiesty Chel can be I really expected her to be mad at the nurse. She wasn't, she said, " I just wonder what happened." You know how we are told to listen to that still small voice. And sometimes we never know what would have happened if we would have rejected the prompting. Well we have a beautiful experiance of that. If mom would not have heeded that prompting. We would not have heard Chelsie's sweet words of forgiveness about the nurse. We would not have been able to hold her longer. I don't know about you all but I found peace that month. I felt the spirit so strongly. I felt it from the top of my head to my toes. It was so hard to say goodbye. I am so glad I had that extra month to do it. Thank you Mom. You gave us all so much, thank you for listening to the Spirit. The last moment before she had the tube in her throat and before they sadated her she was holding moms hand and mom was telling her encouraging words. She was trying so hard to be brave. She was always so brave and confident. I will always remember that. I will miss you so much Chel!

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